M3 Threaded Ports, One Inlet & Multi Outlet Rotary Selector Valve

CAD Model


Description: The Beswick selector valve can be used as a quiet replacement for solenoid valves in many applications, and has the ability to operate from a servo motor. It is designed with one central input port feeding multiple outputs. This valve is designed for use with non-hazardous, non-corrosive gases only. It is not designed for use with liquids.

Maximum Pressure: Maximum supply pressure is 100 psig.

Materials: Delrin, Nylatron, UHMWP, Ryton, Brass and 302 Stainless Steel components.

Approximate Weight: About 40g. Weight will vary slightly, depending on configuration.

Actuation: Available with detents for manual operation, or no detents for automatic operation.

Porting: This valve has a single input port and anywhere from two to six output ports. Choice of internal M3 threaded or barbed ports. Consult Factory for other available options.