Beswick Engineering is now able to provide SilcoTek® inert coatings for most metallic components. SilcoTek® offers several chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coating options that improve the inertness, durability and corrosion resistance of our stainless steel products. If you have a demanding application please contact a Beswick applications engineer and we will be happy to discuss your requirements and work on a quote for your custom coated components.
SilcoTek® coatings can be beneficial for many applications in a variety of industries from analytical instruments to semiconductor equipment. Learn more about how these silicon based coatings have benefitted similar applications to yours.

SilcoTek® offers multiple custom coatings. We can work with you to determine the best coating solution to achieve the performance you require. Whether you require corrosion resistance, chemical inertness, non-stick properties or other properties, SilcoTek® likely has a coating solution that will fulfill your design needs.